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Molecular and structural bases of the living organism

The structural and functional characterization at the molecular level of biological systems has a central role in the development of new therapeutic strategies due to its positioning at the interface of biology, physics, chemistry, bioinformatics and mathematics .

In recent years, the implementation of new technologies (molecular imaging, biomathematics, etc.) has made it possible to develop new research themes which are explored by Inovarion experts and which concern, among others:

Study of DNA replication, recombination and repair,
Modeling of the function and interactions of biomolecules: analysis of their structure, dynamics and chemical properties,
Biochemical study of metabolites or complex molecules (lipids, ribosomes).

Key words :

Molecular biology, modeling, imaging, metabolites, structure, mass spectrometry, ligand, effector, metabolomics, recombination, replication, crystallography.

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