30 / 11 / 2023
Targeted delivery of LXR-agonists to atherosclerotic lesions mediated by polydiacetylene micelles
Lucie Jamgotchian, Laurent Devel, Robert Thai, Lucie Poupel, Thierry Huby, Emmanuel Gautier, Wilfried Le Goff, Philippe Lesnik, Edmond Gravel, Eric Doris
We report the development of compact and stabilized micelles incorporating a synthetic LXR agonist prodrug for the passive targeting of atherosclerotic lesions and therapeutic intervention. In vivo studies showed that the nanohybrid micelles exhibited favorable pharmacokinetics/biodistribution and were able to upregulate, to some extent, LXR target genes with no alteration of lipid metabolism...
07 / 10 / 2023
Liver International
Intrinsic cancer cell phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ regulates fibrosis and vascular development in cholangiocarcinoma
Vanessa Bou Malham, Nassima Benzoubir, Javier Vaquero, Christophe Desterke,..., Jean Paul Thiery, Mylène Sebagh, Laura Fouassier, Ama Gassama-Diagne
The class I- phosphatidylinositol-3 kinases (PI3Ks) signalling is dysregulated in almost all human cancers whereas the isoform-specific roles remain poorly investigated. We reported that the isoform δ (PI3Kδ) regulated epithelial cell polarity and plasticity and recent developments have heightened its role in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and solid tumour progression. However, its role in cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) still lacks investigation....
06 / 10 / 2023
Cancers (Basel)
A Network of 17 Microtubule-Related Genes Highlights Functional Deregulations in Breast Cancer
Sylvie Rodrigues-Ferreira, Morgane Morin, Gwenn Guichaoua, Hadia Moindjie, Maria M Haykal, Olivier Collier, Véronique Stoven, Clara Nahmias
A wide panel of microtubule-associated proteins and kinases is involved in coordinated regulation of the microtubule cytoskeleton and may thus represent valuable molecular markers contributing to major cellular pathways deregulated in cancer. We previously identified a panel of 17 microtubule-related (MT-Rel) genes that are differentially expressed in breast tumors showing resistance to taxane-based chemotherapy. In the present study, we evaluated the expression, prognostic value and functional impact of these genes in breast cancer...
03 / 10 / 2023
Frontiers in Immunology
Single-cell profiling reveals immune disturbances landscape and HLA-F-mediated immune tolerance at the maternal-fetal interface in preeclampsia
Fangyuan Luo, Fulin Liu, Yingzhe Guo, Wenming Xu, Yilin Li, Jun Yi, Thierry Fournier, Séverine Degrelle, Hedia Zitouni, Isabelle Hernandez, Xinghui Liu, Yu Huang, Jun Yue
Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific disorder that always causes maternal and fetal serious adverse outcome. Disturbances in maternal immune tolerance to embryo at the maternal-fetal interface (MFI) may be associated with preeclampsia onset. Recent studies have revealed the reduced expression pattern of HLA-F at the MFI in preeclampsia, while the mechanism of it mediating maternal fetal immune tolerance has not been revealed. Single-cell RNA sequencing on placental decidua was performed to reveal the immune disturbances landscape at the MFI in preeclampsia. Human Jar cells and NK-92MI cells were employed to study the role of HLA-F in trophoblasts and lymphocyte...
29 / 09 / 2023
Cancers (Basel)
Activity in Group-Housed Home Cages of Mice as a Novel Preclinical Biomarker in Oncology Studies
Stéphane Terry, Céline Gommet, Anne-Cécile Kerangueven, Mickaël Leguet, Vincent Thévenin, Mickaël Berthelot, Laurent Begoud, Fanny Windenberger, Pierre Lainee
Improving experimental conditions in preclinical animal research is a major challenge, both scientifically and ethically. Automated digital ventilated cages (DVC®) offer the advantage of continuous monitoring of animal activity in their home-cage. The potential utility of this technology remains understudied and deserves investigation in the field of oncology. Using the DVC® platform, we sought to determine if the continuous assessment of locomotor activity of mice in their home cages can serve as useful digital readout in the monitoring of animals treated with the reference oncology compounds cisplatin and cyclophosphamide. SCID mice of 14 weeks of age were housed in DVC® cages in groups of four and followed with standard and digital examination before and after treatment over a 17-day total period....
15 / 09 / 2023
STAR protocols
Protocol for automated multivariate quantitative-image-based cytometry analysis by fluorescence microscopy of asynchronous adherent cells
Laetitia Besse, Typhaine Rumiac, Anne Reynaud-Angelin, Cédric Messaoudi, Marie-Noëlle Soler, Sarah A E Lambert, Vincent Pennaneach
Here, we present a protocol for multivariate quantitative-image-based cytometry (QIBC) analysis by fluorescence microscopy of asynchronous adherent cells. We describe steps for the preparation, treatment, and fixation of cells, sample staining, and imaging for QIBC. We then detail image analysis with our open source Fiji script developed for QIBC and present multiparametric data visualization. Our QIBC Fiji script integrates modern artificial-intelligence-based tools, applying deep learning, for robust automated nuclei segmentation with minimal user adjustments, a major asset for efficient QIBC analysis...